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Q: When solving vector addition problems what two methods can you use?
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When solving a vector addition problems you can use either the graphical method or?

analytical method.

When solving vector addition problems you can use either the graphical method or the .?

analytical method.

When solving vector addition problem you can either the graphical method or the?

analytical method.

What two methods can you use when solving vector addition?

You can use the graphical method, which involves drawing vectors on a coordinate system and adding them tip-to-tail to find the resultant vector. Alternatively, you can use the component method, breaking each vector into its horizontal and vertical components and adding them separately to find the resultant vector.

What will the answer always be using graphical and analytical methods of vector addition?

The same.

What is the opposite to vector addition?

the opposite to vector addition is vector subtraction.

What is the reverse process of vectors addition?

reverse process of vector addition is vector resolution.

When solving vector addition problems you can use either the graphical method or the what?

You can use the graphical method or the trigonometric method to solve vector addition problems. The graphical method involves drawing vectors to scale and measuring their resultant vector, while the trigonometric method involves breaking down vectors into their components and using trigonometric functions to find the resultant vector.

How you would determine how much error there is between a vector addition and the real results?

To determine the error between a vector addition and the real results, you would subtract the calculated vector addition from the real vector addition. This difference will provide you with the error value. The error value can then be analyzed to understand the accuracy of the vector addition calculation.

What term is given to the net figure that results from a vector addition?

The term given to the net figure that results from a vector addition is the resultant vector.

Why is Vector resolution the opposite of vector addition?

Vector resolution involves breaking down a single vector into its horizontal and vertical components, while vector addition combines two or more vectors together to form a resultant vector. They are considered opposite processes because resolution breaks a single vector into simpler components, while addition combines multiple vectors into a single resultant vector.

Is it necessary that every vector has to obey the law of vector addition?
