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Q: When studying the simultaneous responses to two categorical questions you should set up?
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What questions should you be able to answer when you're studying with a purpose?

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What questions should you be able to answer when studying with a purpose?

You should be able to answer the review questions.

What 2 questions do geographers use while studying different places?

"Where" and "Why".

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How do you say i want you in Chinese?

我需要你。 haha, you are studying Chinese? I am a Chinese who are studying English. I am glad to answer you more questions about Chinese.

How do you you say I want you in Chinese?

我需要你。 haha, you are studying Chinese? I am a Chinese who are studying English. I am glad to answer you more questions about Chinese.

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by reading their expression and studying how they act and answer to certain questions

What are some questions that biologist might ask about living things they are studying?

what are some questions that biologist might ask about the living things they study

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There are many questions about psychiatry that people think is everything. It is all about studying and getting to know it.

Should you be able to answer when you're studying with a purpose?

If you're studying with a purpose, then you should be able to answer any questions about the topic you're studying on. Now, if someone asks you a question while you're studying and in deep thought, it may be rude for someone to talk to you while you're busy, but you should answer.

What are some questions you can put on question cards?

Put on question cards questions that have clues in them and are clear yet don't tell the answer. Don't reveal the answer. Let the person think. And do questions that might be on the quiz or test that your studying for. Or get questions out of a textbook.

What types of questions and observations would you make if you were scientists studying schools of fish in the ocean?

i would ask smart questions like what is the averaged amount of fish they have