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One thing that worked for me was to subtract the smaller from the bigger and then put a negative sign in front.

Just as in subtracting 23 from 17.

To calculate 17 - 23

calculate 23 - 17 = 6

and put a minus sign in front: -6.

Same process.

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Q: When subtracting a fraction what do you do when you subtract a big number from small?
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When you give a full solution in dividing a small number by a bigger number, you list all the decimals that are in the answer, or you list the solution in its simplest fraction form.

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If the 5 and the number are seperated by a line its a fraction. But if its just on top of it to the right then its an exponet.

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In math you know when you a question and then you answer the question what do you call it?

when you are adding, it is called a sum! when you are subtracting, it is called the difference! when you are multiplying, it is called the product! When you are dividing, it is called the quionent! when you are finding area, you put a small 2 beside the answer! EXAMPLE: 4 (small 2)! when you are finding piremeter, you just have a number with no small number afterwards! when finding volume, you put a small 3 after the answer! EXAMPLE: 9 (small 3)! :)

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