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In that case, it is common to add "... y media" (meaning, "and half", in other words, half an hour) after the hour. For example, 2:30 would be expressed as "dos y media".

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Q: When telling time in spanish what do you do if it is past 30 minutes after the hour?
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How many minutes it the hour is it if is quarter past hour?

It is: 15 minutes past the hour

In telling time what does half five mean?

It means half of an hour or 30 minutes past 5 o clock

How many minutes have passedin a quarter past the hour?

An hour is 60 minutes and if a quarter has passed after the hour then that means 15 minutes have passed past the hour.

How many minutes have past if it is half past the hour?

30 minutes have past if it's half past the hours. As a side effect 30 minutes is left till the hour ends if it's half past the hour.

How many minutes past if it is half past the hour?

30 minutes.

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53 minutes past the previous hour.

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30 minutes have past if it's half past the hours. As a side effect 30 minutes is left till the hour ends if it's half past the hour.

What is quarter after 9?

9:15When telling time, "one quarter" means 15 minutes. The modifiers "to", "till", and "of" means before the hour, while "after" and "past" mean after the hour. Thus "quarter after 9" means "15 minutes after 9 o'clock".

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What mean by half past in time?

30 minutes past the hour.

What is a quarter after 9?

9:15When telling time, "one quarter" means 15 minutes. The modifiers "to", "till", and "of" means before the hour, while "after" and "past" mean after the hour. Thus "quarter after 9" means "15 minutes after 9 o'clock".

How many minutes have pasted in quartert past the hour?

15 minutes have passed.