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Q: When the electron cloud is not distributed symmetrically a molecule has a what?
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Define Polarizability What is polarizability?

It is a measure of how easily an electron cloud is distorted by an electric field. Electron cloud will belong to atom, molecule or Ion. It is the quantitative measurement of the extent to which the electronic cloud can be polarized

Who developed the electron-cloud model?

The electron-cloud model was developed by Sir George Paget Thomson in 1924. He proposed that electrons in atoms are distributed like a cloud around the nucleus, rather than in specific orbits.

What is a electron cloud?

An electron cloud is an atomic orbital.

Is the electron found in the electron cloud or in the nucleus?


Is the electron found in the electron cloud or the nucleus?


Why is dipole moment never permanent?

Electrons are constantly moving around the molecule. The dipole moment is just an average or where the electron cloud most likely to be if you were to freeze the molecule.

What is a detailed explanation of the electron cloud model?

Scientist use the electron cloud model to represent an atom.In the electron cloud model, an atom has two distinct regions-the nucleus and the electron cloud.

Where are the nucleus and electron cloud?

nucleus is in the middle and the electron cloud is around it

What is found in the electron cloud of an atom?

The electron cloud of an atom contains the electrons, which are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus in different energy levels or shells. The electron cloud represents the probability of finding an electron at a particular location around the nucleus.

How do you draw an electron cloud model?

How do you draw and electron cloud for 2Br and for Br2

Where is a electron cloud located?

The electron cloud in an atom is located outside of the nucleus.