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Q: When the first number in an orderd pair is 0 wher is the point located?
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A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate system?

This is called an orderd pair. It is written as (x,y).

Where is the whole number located in 429.86?

It is located immediately to the left of the decimal point. The '429' is the whole number.

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The point (1,3) is located in the first quadrant.

When the first number in an ordered pair is 0 where is the point located?

The first number in an ordered pair (of rectangular coordinates) is the distance from the origin along the x- axis. If the number is 0, then any point having this coordinate must lie on the y-axis. If the second number is 0 then the point is at the origin (0,0). If the second number is positive then the point lies on the y-axis above the origin. If the second number is negative then the point lies on the y-axis below the origin.

Where is the positive number located on the number line?

The convention is to locate positive numbers to the right of the point identified as zero on a number line.

Which points are 24 units from the point located at 51 on a number line?

27 and 75

In the number 125 which number represent the tenths?

No matter the number, the tenths place is the first to the right of the decimal point. In numbers with no decimal point, the tenths place is zero.

What quadrant the point 15 14 located in?

first quadrant since they are both positive

Where is the tenths place in the number 219.38475?

The first to the right of the decimal point

What is the value in the tenths place?

The first number to the right of the decimal point.

What is the difference between a decimal point and a decimal place?

The decimal point of a number separates the whole part of the number from the fractional part of the number. It is located between the units column and the tenths column of every number. A decimal place is one of the digits after the decimal point: The first decimal place is the first digit, which is the tenths digit The second decimal place is the second digit, which is the hundredths digit The third decimal place is the third digit, which is the thousandths digit etc. When showing or rounding to a number of decimal places there will be that number of digits after the decimal place. eg the number 5.671 has three decimal places as there are three digits after the decimal point and the second decimal place, for example, contains the digit 7.

Which is greate .4 or .9?

.9 is greater. Look at the first number after the decimal point -if it is greater, the number is greater. if the number is the same, go to the next decimal point; if it is greater, the number is greater; etc.