If the fraction's numerator is greater than its denominator, then it already is an improper fraction. If its numerator is smaller than its denominator, then there's nothing you can do to it to turn it into an improper fraction.
Yes, a fraction less than 1 will always have a numerator that is less than its denominator. This is because the value of a fraction decreases as the numerator gets smaller in relation to the denominator. For example, 1/2 is smaller than 3/2 or 4/2.
Proper Fractions:a fraction in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator such as:6/9 or 4/7...improper fraction:a fraction in which the numerator is bigger than the denominator such as: 18/4 or 97/3. Improper fractions are normally used when converting fractions.
If the numerator is less than the denominator then the fraction is less than 1.
The numerator is smaller than the denominator.
It is a proper fraction and if the numerator > denominator than it is an improper fraction.
No, a proper fraction has a numerator smaller than the denominator.
A fraction with a numerator that is smaller than its denominator is less than one.
When the numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator, that's a proper fraction.
Regular fraction
A Proper Fraction
yes. if the numerator is larger than the denominator it is an IMPROPER fraction.
In a proper fraction.
A proper fraction.
A proper fraction.
The absolute value of the numerator of a fraction is less than the absolute value of the denominator if and only if the fraction is between -1 and 1.