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Q: When the senate is deadlocked at 50 -50 who is majority leader?
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Who is the member with the most power in the Senate?

The most powerful position in the Senate is Speaker of the House. Currently, the Speaker of the House is John Boehner.

What is difference between the absolute majority and simple majority?

A two-thirds majority means that 2/3 of a voting body is required to agree to something. A simple majority means that one vote more than 1/2 is required. For example, in the U.S. Senate, a 2/3 majority is 67 out of 100 senators, and a simple majority is 51 out of 100. In the case of a tie vote of 50 yes votes and 50 no votes, the Vice President, who is president of the Senate, casts a vote to break the tie.

How many are there in US Senate?

100 senators. Two from each of the 50 states. The VP of the US is the leader of the Senate, and votes in the case of a tie.

Who is the head of the legislative branch of the Federal government?

There are two branches in the Federal government's legislative body. The House of Representatives elects the majority party's leader, and the title is Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Speaker is a key figure in the House and via agreed procedures of both major parties, runs the operations of that body. The other branch of the legislative body is the Senate. Their the majority party elects the Senate leader, and controls the way bills are passed and voted on, as does the House. However, as far as the position that "runs" this chamber, that is the job of a nation's vice president. He has no voting power unless there is a 50-50 tie in voting on a bill. The vice president opens and closes Senate sessions, and maintains order in the Senate.

How many minority party legislators are there in Pennsylvania?

In the State Senate the Democrats are in the monority with only 20 of the 50 Senate seats while they are a slight majority in the State House with 104 to 99.

Which party has had majority in congress since Ronald Reagan was president?

The 97th Congress (1981-1983) saw a relatively thin Republican majority in the Senate (53-46, so not enough for the 60% override) and a Democrat majority in the House. In the Senate, Republicans held the majority until 1987. From 1987-1995, the Democrats held control. Republicans regained the majority in 1995, which they held until 2001. The 107th Congress (2001-2003) saw a tie, with the Senate split 50-50. Republicans regaind a majority for the 108th and 109th Congresses (2003-2007), and then the Democrats had the majority in the 110th and will have it in the 111th. In the House, Democrats had the majority through both Reagan and Bush, Sr.'s Presidencies, until the Republicans gained the majority (in both the House and Senate) in 1995 (election of 1994). The Republicans ruled the Senate from 1995-2007. Now, the Democrats havea majority, and the recent election will see their majority through at least until January 2011.

Do the Democrats run the senate?

As of March 2021, the Democrats control the Senate by having 50 members in the chamber. However, they only have a majority with the Vice President Kamala Harris acting as the tie-breaking vote. This allows them to set the agenda and have more control over the legislative process.

What happens in a 50-50 Senate?

In a 50-50 Senate, there is an even split between the number of senators from each political party. In this scenario, the Vice President, who serves as the President of the Senate, holds the tie-breaking vote. This means that if there is a deadlock in a vote, the Vice President's vote will determine the outcome. This situation gives the majority party a narrow margin of control and emphasizes the importance of party unity and strategic alliances in order to advance legislation.

What is breakdown of dems and repubs in senate?

As of November 2021, there are 50 Democratic senators, 48 Republican senators, and 2 Independent senators who caucus with the Democrats in the U.S. Senate. This means the Democrats hold a slim majority in the Senate with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie-breaking vote.

Who acts of president of senate?

The Vice-President of the United States acts as President of the US Senate, to break a tie if the Senate is split 50-50.

In which house of Congress does each of the 50 states have equal representation?

The Senate.

What is the difference between the words majority and minority?

Majority > 50%, Minority < 50%