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Q: When the simulator window opens you should notice a laser pointing at a 45o angle downwards to the right. Look to the right of the window and notice that the two information boxes are explaining the m?
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What is the symbol for judaisum?

One common symbol is the star of David. It is basically One equilateral triangle pointing upwards, and one overlapping equilateral triangle pointing downwards.

Is it fine to have a penis pointing downwards?

no. you are going to die. chop it off now before its too late. thank you come again.

How do snakes get there vangs out?

When not in use, the fangs lie flat in the snake's mouth - pointing backwards along the gum-line. When the snake opens its mouth, muscular contractions pull the fangs into their 'ready' position - pointing downwards.

When a plane is landing is it pointing downwards?

No, a plane will always under normal circumstances land 'straight and level', ie. in line/level with the ground.

Which way is vertical?

Vertical is up and down, and horizontal is left to right.

What is the differation between left and right kidney?

You can try to identify the left from the right by looking at the position of the vein, the artery and the urethra. The artery is anterior of the vein and the urethra is pointing downwards.

Why Magnetic compass inoperative at the poles?

the fieldlines are pointing straight down. If your compass could rotate when held up (instead of lying flat on a table), the needle would point downwards.

How do you see if a Pokemon a male or female?

On the side of the Pokemon name in battle, party menu, or summary there will be a red or blue symbol. The blue symbol with the arrow pointing up or to the right is the male. The red symbol with the cross pointing downwards is the female. Note that, displayed gender wasn't a feature in the first Generation of Pokemon.

How would you show gravity with an arrow?

You can show gravity with an arrow pointing downward from a central point, indicating the force pulling objects towards the center of mass. The length of the arrow can represent the magnitude of the gravitational force.

Where is the fuel filter locateed on a 1970 f-100?

The fuel filter forms a right angle pointing downwards with the oil filter, it is behind the fan and unless your front end is taken off it is easiest to get to it from below.

What is the Tendon at back of hock of a quadruped called?

The tendon at the back of the hock of a quadruped is called the Achilles tendon. It connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and is responsible for extending the foot and pointing the toes downwards.

Why is normal force pointing upwards?

The normal force is a reaction force exerted by a surface in response to an object pressing against it. It always acts perpendicular to the surface and opposes the force pushing the object against it. As gravity pulls the object downwards, the normal force acts in the opposite direction, pointing upward to prevent the object from sinking into the surface.