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An unfavorable balance of trade occurs, whereupon the sky becomes dark

and a chill wind sweeps over the country.

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Q: When the value of the products that a country imports exceeds the value of the products it exports a what occurs?
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What it is called when the value of imports exceeds the value of exports?

The difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports. If the value of exports exceeds that of imports, a country is said to have a trade surplus, while the opposite case is called a trade deficit.

When net exports are negative what is best?

when the imports exceeds the imports then net exports are negative and positive is best for country.

What's a trade surplus?

the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports.

What is when a country's imports exceed it's exports?

If a country's export exceeds the import then the balance of trade is unfavorable.

When the value of a nation imports exceeds the value of that nations exports the nation is said to have?

When nation's value of imports exceeds the value of its exports, it can be said that the nation has a trade deficit.

What is Tennessee imports and exports?

imports from exports to Food Products $648,802,090 Tennessee $542,927,280 Other country/state Paper Products $650,649,948 Tennessee $496,002,193 Other country/state Rubber and Plastics $835,365,942 Tennessee $572,370,418 Other country/state

What is balance of trade?

Balance of trade is the relationship between a country's exports and imports. There is a trade surplus when a country's exports exceed its imports, and there is a trade deficit when a country's imports exceed its exports.

How much does Niger earn from exports and imports?

Niger's total exports were valued at about $2.03 billion in 2020, with its main exports being uranium, gold, livestock, and agriculture products. The country's total imports were valued at approximately $2.35 billion in 2020, with machinery and equipment, petroleum products, and cereals being significant imports.

Is Australia's Balance Of Payments positive?

balance of payment is the difference between exports and imports so if Australia's exports trade balance exceeds its imports trade balance then it is positive

How are net exports calculated?

by subtracting a country's imports by the exports

What are the imports and exports from basque country?

exports: wine and machinery

What is the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports?

The difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports is called the trade balance. If a country exports more than it imports, it has a trade surplus. If it imports more than it exports, it has a trade deficit. A balanced trade is when a country's imports and exports are equal.