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Reflexology is the specialty that addresses the feet with specific techniques that are designed to loosen blockages. These blockages are generally thought to be crystalline deposits caused by the metabolic toxins. Working on specific areas of tenderness is dependent upon which areas in your body, particularly the internal organs and glands, have stagnation. Working directly on those specific areas of the feet that are related to the organs and glands that are blocked helps clear them so they have more balanced function.

An easy, quick, mini-lesson: When you find a tender point on your foot, massage it in a way that feels good. There may be a bit of pain, but it should be a good pain, a good feeling hurt, sort of like an itch that needs to be scratched. As long as it feels good, it is good for you. Most often this is done with the thumbs by pressing in and then pushing your thumb forward by bending your knuckle, sort of like an inchworm.

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Q: When there are tender areas on reflex points on the feet what does it mean?
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Reflexology 101?

What exactly is reflexology? It's a kind of massage treatment that uses the body's many different reflex points in the hands and feet to improve health in other areas of the body. It is thought to work by utilizing energetic body pathways. Reflex points are stimulated through touch in order to affect the glands, organs, and other systems in a positive way.How does reflexology work? It is thought that reflexology's benefits come from the on-and-off therapeutic pressure applied during treatment. The stimulated reflex points send positive signals or emit chemicals much like endorphins through the central nervous system, and as a result pain and stress are reduced.If you look at a reflexology chart you can see how the different points on the hands and feet are connected to another body part or parts. For instance the heel of the foot corresponds with the back and intestines while the pancreas, liver, and kidneys are connected to the ball of the foot and so on for the remaining areas of the foot. Everything is covered on the reflexology chart from the thyroid to the bladder.Common benefits of reflexology treatments for the feet and hands:Stress reliefReduced or less intense headachesImproved digestionPain relief for muscles and jointsRestored hormone balanceWhat to expect during treatmentMost sessions last about 45 minutes or an hour. Before the bodywork is started, the reflexologist will provide you with a general consultation and collect information about your lifestyle, health conditions, and general health. After you take off your shoes and socks, the reflexologist can evaluate your feet and start stimulated reflex points. He or she will pay special attention to any areas that are extra tight, sore, or sensitive by applying pressure from toe to heel.Reflexology massage should be relaxing, not painful. However, you may experience some discomfort in the beginning. Your reflexologist will make adjustments to your treatment in order to work within your comfort zone.

What has the author Eunice D Ingham written?

Ingham described her theories of reflexology in her 1938 book, entitled Stories the Feet Can Tell, which included a map of the reflex points on the feet and the organs that they parallel.

How is reflexology performed?

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