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Q: When two expression are compared using greater than and less than the whole statement?
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How to write an if then statement?

It depends on the language however most use the following syntax: if (expression) then statement else statement endif Note that the "then" and "endif" keywords are not used in all languages since they are implied by the statement's structure and are normally only found in verbose languages such as BASIC. In C and C++, for instance, we have the following form: if (expression) { statement; } else { statement; } The expression must be a boolean expression; one that evaluates true or false. If the expression evaluates to a number, the expression evaluates true when the number is non-zero, otherwise it is false. When the expression is true, the first statement is executed otherwise the second statement is executed. Often we do not wish to execute anything when an expression is false, only when it is true, so the else clause is optional. if (expression) statement; In languages that use braces {} to denote structure, they are usually optional for simple statements but mandatory for compound statements. A compound statement is a group of statements that are treated as being one statement. Either statement may itself be an if statement (a nested if): if (expression) { if (expression) { statement; } else { statement; } } else { statement; } Spreading if statements over multiple lines and using whitespace indentation helps to highlight the logic and structure of the statement. It is not possible to show whitespace indentation here, but here's the same example using periods instead of whitespace: if (expression) { ...if (expression) { ......statement; ...} else { ......statement; ...} } else { ...statement; } Note the use of blank lines to separate the inner (nested) if from the outer if.

What does an IF Statement do?

An if statement is a control statement. It is used to control whether a statement executes or not, depending on whether a control expression evaluates true or false.if (expression) {statement;}In the above example, the expression is evaluated. If true, the statement executes, otherwise it does not.if (expression) {statement1;} else {statement2;}In the above example, the expression is evaluated. If true, statement1 executes otherwise statement2 executes.Note that if statements may be chained together using else if statements. The final else clause (if present) then becomes the default case. Also, any statement within an if statement may itself be an if statement, known as a nested if. If statements may be chained or nested to any depth.

What does the word more mean when you are using algebraic expression?

It means the same as it does in everyday use: having a greater value.

What does the word expression mean?

When someone is using "word" as an expression, ussualy have some of the following meanings : "I agree" "On my word" or "I am a man of my word/you are a man of your word"? "You have my word on it"

What is a math problem without an equal sign may have numbers variables and or operation signs?

Algebraic Equation: A statement using variables and an equal sign. It may or may not have operations. example: 2(a+100)=5a Algebraic Expression: A statement using variables that does not include an equal sign. It may or may not have operations. example: 3a+6-5a Algebraic Inequality: A statement that uses variables a inequality sign (such as greater than, greater than or equal too, less than, less than or equal too, not equal too). It may or my not have operations. example: 3+5<6x2

Structure of If-Then statement?

if (condition) statement1 [else statement2] example: if (i==j); else if (j==k) printf ("i!=j, j==k\n); else printf ("i!=j, j!=k\n); here statement1 is an empty-statement, statement2 is another if-statement There are three forms of statements IF-THEN IF-THEN-ELSE IF-THEN-ELSIF Sequence of statements is executed only if the condition evaluates to TRUE If condition evaluates to FALSE or NULL, it does nothing In either case control passes to next statement after the IF-THEN structure IF THEN statements; END IF; Sequence of statements in the ELSE clause is executed only if the condition evaluates to FALSE or NULL IF THEN statements; ELSE statements; END IF;

Whats the difference between an algebraic expression and a verbal expression?

The term "verbal expression" in mathematical terms refers to a math phrase or statement that uses words or letters instead of using numbers. An example of this might be "Three divided by two" instead of "3/2."

using one stroke make the number statement true 5 plus 5 plus 5550?

There is no statement: there is only an expression. But usually such questions are answered by putting a diagonal stroke through the "=" sign (if there is one), to make it "≠".

A corollary is a statement that can be easily proved using a statement?

No. A corollary is a statement that can be easily proved using a theorem.

What are IF statement functions?

A statement and a function are two separate things. An if statement is a selection statement and has the following forms in C: if (expression) { statement; } if (expression) { statement; } else { statement; } In the first form, the statement executes only when the expression evaluates true. In the second form, the first statement executes when the expression evaluates true, otherwise the second statement executes. The second statement may be another if statement (a nested if): if (expression) { statement; } else if (expression) { statement; } else { statement; } Here, the second expression is only evaluated when the first expression evaluates false. If both expressions evaluate false, the final statement executes. Note that the final else clause is optional within nested if statements. Nested ifs can often be thinly-disguised switch statements: if (x==0) { f(x); } else if (x==1) { g(x); } else if (x==2) { h(x); } else { i(x); } If statements of this type are best implemented using a switch statement: switch (x) { case 0: f(x); break; case 1: g(x); break; case 2: h(x); break; default: i(x); } As well as being easier to read (and maintain), execution is more efficient as the control expression (x) need only be evaluated once and execution will immediately pass to the appropriate case label (much like a goto statement). With a nested if statement, each expression has to be evaluated in turn until one of them evaluates true, or execution passes to the else clause. Switch statements are also more flexible in that the default clause need not be the final clause and execution automatically "falls through" to the next case label until a break or return statement is encountered.

What does verbal expression?

A verbal expression is a mathematical statement that is written using words. It does not contain an equal sign and may include numbers, variables, and operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Verbal expressions are used to describe mathematical relationships in a language form.

Can a while statement end in a semicolon?

Yes. A while statement ends in a statement...while (expression) statement...and that statement can be a null statement, a single statement, or a block of statements. In the case of the block of statements, there is also a set of braces surrounding them...while (expression);while (expression) statement;while (expression) {statement1;statement2;...statementN;}In the case where the body of the statement is null, there is no body. This is often done while taking advantage of side effects. For instance, to copy a string you could use...char *strcpy (char *pszDestination, char *pszSource) {char *pszTemp = pszDestination;while ((*pszDestination++ = *pszSource++) != '\0');return pszTemp;}...this works because the post-increment (++) operator has higher precedence than the dereference (*) operator, and because the assignment (=) operator has the value of the assignment, which is compared using the not equal (!=) operator against the string terminator null.Note, carefully, the inner parentheses. They are needed because != has higher precedence than =, and you want it the other way around. Also, some compilers will let you eliminate the != '\0' terms and the inner parentheses, but that is not portable, and most compilers will warn you about assignment in a conditional expression.In the case of a single statement you could use...i= -1;while (++i < argc) printf ("%d %s\n", i, argv[i]); the while statement also ends in a semicolon.The case of the block of statements is not shown, because it seems to be understood from the context of the question.