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Q: When using compound interest rate tables the annual rate divided by the numbers of periods per year give you?
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What are the major differences between compound interest loan and simple interest loan?

With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.

Why does compound interest earn more than simple interest?

With compound interest, in the second and subsequent periods, you are earning interest on the interest earned in previous periods. If you withdraw the interest earned at the end of every period, the two schemes will earn the same amount.

How do you know whether a maths question is asking you to work out compound or simple interest?

For the second (and subsequent) periods, if the interest is to be calculated for the original sum PLUS the interest earned so far then it is compound interest. If only the original amount earns interest in all periods then it is simple interest.

How do you calculate the compound interest rate?

A= Principle amount(1+ (rate/# of compounded periods))(#of compounding periods x # of years)

What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest is one better than the other why or why not?

With compound interest, after the first period you interest is calculated, not only on the original amount but also on the amount of interest from earlier periods. As to "better" or not, the answer depends on whether you are earning it on savings or paying it on borrowing!

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What are the major differences between compound interest loan and simple interest loan?

With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.

How do I Calculate interest on 100000?

To calculate an interest (as money), multiply the capital, times the interest rate (divided by 100, if it is expressed in percent), times the number of periods. The above assumes simple interest; compound interest is a bit more complicated.

Why does compound interest earn more than simple interest?

With compound interest, in the second and subsequent periods, you are earning interest on the interest earned in previous periods. If you withdraw the interest earned at the end of every period, the two schemes will earn the same amount.

How do you know whether a maths question is asking you to work out compound or simple interest?

For the second (and subsequent) periods, if the interest is to be calculated for the original sum PLUS the interest earned so far then it is compound interest. If only the original amount earns interest in all periods then it is simple interest.

What is the formula for a simple compound interest rate?

Simple Interest = p * i * n p is principle and i is interest rate per period and n is the number of periods. A = P(1 + r)n is for compound interest.

How do you calculate the compound interest rate?

A= Principle amount(1+ (rate/# of compounded periods))(#of compounding periods x # of years)

What makes the simple interest simple?

It is interest on simply the original capital. After the first period, compound interest involves interest on the interest earned in previous periods and soit not simple.

How can you compare simple and compound interest?

Simple interest is calculated one time @ a specified rate over a specific length of time. Compound interest is calculated multiple times @ a specified rated divided by the number of given periods within a specified time. example: $100 @ 10% interest over 1 year. Simple interest: principle x rate x time = interest; $100 x .10 x 1 = $10 example: $100 @ 10% interest compounded quarterly over 1 year. Compound interest: principle x {(1 + rate / #periods)n} = interest $100 x {(1 + .10 / 4 )^4} = $100 x (1 .025 )^4 = $100 x 1.1038 = $10.38

What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest is one better than the other why or why not?

With compound interest, after the first period you interest is calculated, not only on the original amount but also on the amount of interest from earlier periods. As to "better" or not, the answer depends on whether you are earning it on savings or paying it on borrowing!

What is the concepts of compound interest?

The concept is that at the end of each time interval, the interest for that period is added to the principal. As a reult, the interest for any period is calculated not only on the principal but also the interest from previous periods.

What is different about compound interest from normal interest?

Compound interest is calculated on the initial principal plus any accumulated interest, resulting in interest earning interest over time. Normal interest, on the other hand, is only calculated on the initial principal amount and does not take into account any interest that has already been earned.

How do you calculate compound interest in foxpro?

Example: Start_Capital = 10000 Interest_Rate = 5 && Percent per year or other period Periods = 10 && Years or other periods End_Capital = Start_Capital * (1 + Interest_Rate/100)^Periods