You get the mean average of the numbers in the set.
Count the Cost was created in 1983.
When numbers count by five, the number you are counting to either has a 5 or 0 in it.
when you count .
Sum of numbers/Count of numbers.
I believe it was because Romans could not count numbers so they created roman numerals which were almost like numbers in order to tell time and count.
numbers are not created they were always there since the beginning of time numerals to represent the numbers are created though these are created when there is a need to count usually there is repitition in the numerals so larger numbers can be written
Count von Count was created in 1972.
Can I Count on You was created in 1991.
If you count from 1 to 1000000 you count 1000000 numbers so there are 1000000 numbers in 1000000
You get the mean average of the numbers in the set.
you can count to infinity 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.............
Count the Stars was created in 1995.
Count Your Curses was created in 2011.
Count's House was created in 1860.
Count Zero was created in 1986.