One percent of five dollars is five cents.
one million five dollars
13.25 dollars
I do, because six is greater than five.
The duration of Five Dollars a Day is 1.63 hours.
I've Got Five Dollars was created in 1931.
In a few weeks I would be very rich. Each day I would have twice as much as the day before. By day 10 I' d have but five dollars ($5.16) but by day 20 over 5 thousand dollars ($5 242.88) and after a month, 30 days, five million dollars! ($5 368 709.12) (229)
five hundred dollars per day
5 dollars
five thousand five hundred dollars
You spell it like this: Forty Five dollars.....
The average college student spends five dollars a day on coffee. During a typical school week this amounts to twenty-five dollars.
No i think its only during the day check other places to be sure
Make $8 per day for all five days.
five dollars and fifty five cents.