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Ninth Grade Slays was created in 2008.

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Related questions

How does ninth grade slays end?

Read it.

How many pages are in Ninth Grade Slays?

Ninth Grade Slays is by Heather Brewton. The paperback has 278 pages. It is the second book in the series.

What is the second book to eight grade bites?

ninth grade slays

What is the problem in The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod ninth grade slays?

the problem in the ninth grade slays is that joss, henrys cousin, is a vampire hunter and is trying to kill Vlad.

Where can you read ninth grade slays online for free?

on at youdfhs.homfgj.bieeberrrbook.ning

What ninth grade slays conflict?

Vlad get stabbed by a silver steak and lives.

What happens in ninth grade slays?

vlad gets stabbed through the heart with a silver steak and lives because he is the pravus

How many books did Heather Brewer write?

six eighth grade bites, ninth grade slays, tenth grade bleeds, eleventh grade burns, twelfth grade kills, and now in the middle of bloodbound

How many pages does the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod 2 have?

The second Chronicles of Vladimir Tod book - Ninth Grade Slays - has 278 pages.

Who are the main characters in ninth grade slays?

The main characters in "Ninth Grade Slays" are Vladimir Tod, a teenage vampire dealing with high school and his vampire heritage, and his best friend Henry, who helps him navigate the challenges he faces. Other important characters include his aunt Nelly, his crush Meredith, and his rival Snow, who complicates Vlad's life.

When was Sheryl Searcy Ninth Grade Center created?

Sheryl Searcy Ninth Grade Center was created in 2009.

When was Rush-Henrietta Ninth Grade Academy created?

Rush-Henrietta Ninth Grade Academy was created in 1960.