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These Cards We're Dealt was created in 2004.

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What is the probability of not being dealt a queen from a deck of 52 cards?

The answer depends on how many cards are dealt out to you - which depends on how many cards you are dealt.

What is the probability of being dealt the two of spades?

The answer depends on how many cards you are dealt!

How many cards are dealt to each player in a game of Texas Hold'em?

In a game of Texas Hold'em, each player is dealt two cards.

What are the first three cards dealt to each player in Texas Hold'em?

In Texas Hold'em, each player is dealt two cards face down as their starting hand. These are called the "hole cards." The first three community cards dealt face up on the table are called the "flop."

The number of ways 5 cards can be dealt from a standard deck of cards?


What is no picture no play in cards?

If a player is not dealt any face cards (aka cards with "pictures" - King, Queen, Jack, Ace, Joker), they have the option to ask that the cards are reshuffled and dealt again to all players. Most common in games where the entire deck is dealt such as Hearts, Spades, Whist, etc.

What is the probability that you are dealt a pair or worse?

The answer depends on what game you are playing and so how many cards you are dealt!

In a game of stud poker must you discard any card after the five cards are dealt or can you stand pat throughout the final deals?

No cards are discarded in stud poker, you must play the cards you are dealt or you can fold. It is in draw poker that you can discard up to four cards.

How many cards do you get in a game of uno?

You get seven cards to start with. See attached review for how to play.

What is the probability of being dealt a blackjack hand with an ace and a nine in a standard deck of cards?

The probability of being dealt a blackjack hand with an ace and a nine in a standard deck of cards is 4.83.

How does TexasHoldEm differ from other versions of poker?

Texas Hold 'Em differs from other poker games in the way the cards are dealt and how the players around the table bet. For example, in Texas Hold 'Em, you are dealt 2 cards to start whereas in Five Card Stud, you are dealt 5 cards at the beginning.

What is the probability of getting dealt two aces in a deck of cards?

The odds are 220:1 of being dealt pocket aces.