

When was pi made?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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PI (Π) was never made. It was used to describe an idea.

Pi is an real number which when multiplied by the radius of a circle squared will provide you with the area of the circle. Or when multiplied by the diameter will give you the circumference.

It has been used since Egyptian times and is a valuable number, the decimal expansion of which has never been fully calculated and never will be, because it never ends. It is approximated by 3.14159265358979323846264 to what I can remember from my school days.

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pi was not made - it is not a human artefact. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter exists independent of human existence.

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it was made in 2000 BC

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Pi Day, celebrated on 14 March every year, was made official in 2009. See the related weblink.

When was Pi born?

pi was bord befor the bible was made /\/\/-\[][]>-- 0)-%-- like my rose lol maddy