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Q: When was the NBA goal 8 feet?
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Related questions

How high is the NBA goal?

10 feet

How tall is the NBA goal?

Around 10 feet.

What is the distance from the three point line to the goal?

The NBA distance from the three point line to the goal is 23.750-feet. The distance in college and high school basketball is 19-feet, 9-inches. An NBA court is 90-feet by 50-feet.

What is the height of an womens basketball goal?

The Standard Height is 10 feet. However it was about 8 feet but was changed by the NBA.

How long is the NBA three-point field goal line?

20 feet

What measures 8 feet by 8 yards?

Soccer goal

What size is a league goal?

Standard size: 8 feet (2.44m) high, 8 yards (7.32m) across

Height and width of the football goal?

the height and width of the goal is 20 feet wide and 8 feet tall

Are Olympic threes farther than pro threes?

No ... the three point line in the Olympics is closer to the goal than the NBA three point line. From the goal, the NBA three point line is 23 feet, 9 inches (7.2 meters) at the arc and 22 feet (6.7 meters) in the corners where the Olympic three point line is 22 feet, 2 inches (6.75 meters) at the arc and 21 feet, 8 inches (6.6 meters) in the corners.

Is a soccer goal 8 by 8?

if you meen 8 feet by 8 meters the yes

How long is the NBA free throw line form the hoop?

13 feet 9 inches to the center of the goal.

How long is a NBA three point line from the basket?

23 feet 9 inches from the center of the goal from behind the arc.