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Q: When was the first hand-held calculator made?
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Related questions

Who made the hand-held computers?

Hewlett Packard introduced the first handheld scientific calculator in 1972 and that became the first ever handheld computer to be invented.

Who is credited with the creation of the first handheld calculator?

The handheld electronic calculator was made possible by the development of VLSI integrated circuits (1000 to 10000 logic gates per chip). Hewlett Packard introduced the first one with their HP-35 model.

When was the first handheld battery operated electronic calculator created?


What mathematician made the first calculator and where was the first calculator made?

Blaise Pascal

Why was the handheld calculator created?

To be more of a convenience for people.

Who make the calculator first in the world in which year?

If you're talking about any type, the abacus was the first calculator. It was made by the ChineseThere was then the large, room sized computer calculator.The electronic handheld types used today...Sorry Don't know.I remember or had some information...

What did the calculator say to the other calculator?

The answer is "you can count on me." But of course, you do not "count" on a calculator: you calculate. You can count on your fingers, or on an abacus, or a handheld tally counter.

Where was the first caclulator invented?

The oldest calculator, the abacus, was invented in ancient Egypt(unknown date). The first Mechanical calculator, known as the Calculating clock, was invented by Willhelm Schickard in 1623. The first electronic desktop calculator were announced by the Bell Punch Co, in Uxbridge England in 1961. Finally, the first handheld computer was invented in 1980.

Who made the handheld gun?

The first pistols were made as early as the 15th century, but their creator is unknown.

When was the first graphic calculator invented?

abacus Casio made the first graphing calculator in 1985.

Who made the first hand held games console?

1979 Milton Bradley Company release Microvision the first handheld with cartridges Nintendos first handheld the the Game & Watch not the Game Boy

What is 32 to the difference of 400 and 123?

8.4439177559686645954870429037094e+416 (Computer Calculator)Ma ERROR "Memory Error" (Handheld Scientific Calculator)E "Error" (Basic Calculator)