2002 was a palindromic year if we have the format day/mo/yr 10/02/2001
29 11 1192, I think.
It depends on the format of the date: 01/11/10 01/02/2010 2010/01/02
1661 is a palindromic number.
'palindromic' means 'reads the same forward and backward', such as 'mom' and 'noon'. So yes, 878 a palindromic number.
2002 was a palindromic year if we have the format day/mo/yr 10/02/2001
A palindrome reads the same both ways. The last palindromic year was 2002. the next palindromic year is 2112. However, the next palindromic date dd/mm/yyyy is 01/02/2010 (01022010)
29 11 1192, I think.
29/11/1192. When reversed it also reads 29/11/1192
It is palindromic. It reads the same forwards and backwards.
It depends on the format of the date: 01/11/10 01/02/2010 2010/01/02
Anais Nin is a diarist and author. Her last name is a palindrome.
The term for when the day, month, and year are the same is called a "palindromic date." This occurs when the date reads the same forwards and backwards, such as 02/02/2020. Palindromic dates are considered rare and are often seen as special or unique occurrences.
1661 is a palindromic number.
You call it a palindromic sentence. If it isn't a sentence it is a palindromic phrase or palindromic sequence.
There are not just 13 non-palindromic numbers. Most numbers are non-palindromic.
"Palindromic" is the adjective form of "palindrome."