

Best Answer

Michael Stifel published his discovery of logarithms in 1544.

John Napier publicly propounded the method of logarithms in 1614.

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Q: When were logarithms developed?
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Related questions

Who developed logarithms?

John Napier

What basic concepts of algebra were developed by Arabs?

The inventions of the zero and the logarithms.

What. Is one of the most basic concepts of algebra that was developed by the Arabs?

The inventions of the zero and the logarithms

What is one of the most basic concepts of algebra that was developed by the Arabs?

The inventions of the zero and the logarithms

What is one of the most basic concepts of algebra that was developed by Arabs?

The inventions of the zero and the logarithms

Why were logarithms originally developed?

Logarithms are actually an area of mathematics. Using logarithms one might ask the question, "what is the logarithm of 5 (base 10 being assumed)" And the answer would be, you would raise 10 to the power 0.698970004 to result in 5.

The base of common logarithms?

The base of common logarithms is ten.

Who invented the Slide-Rule?

William Oughtred and others developed the slide rule in the 17th century based on the emerging work on logarithms by John Napier.

What are the misconception in logarithm topic in mathematics?

The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.

Why were logarithms invented?

Logarithms were invented by John Napier who was a mathematician. He invented other things too, so there was no reason why he couldn't invent the logarithms. Logarithms were invented so people could take short cuts to multiplications! :)

When did John Napier invent logarithms?

In 1614, John Napier published his invention of logarithms.

Are logarithms and anti logarithms same?

No, they are opposites, just like multiplication and division are opposites.