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Q: When were the bricks laid on broad street in thomasville ga?
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What did bricklayers do in colonial times?

Well, generally they laid bricks. occasionally the bricks laid them!

How do you build miniature Hadrians wall with foam bricks?

Foam bricks can be laid as you would lay the bricks used to build houses. As the foam bricks are very light, and easily knocked over, it would be an advantage to glue the bricks with PVA as they are laid (the same as using mortar to bond bricks).

How many square feet does 120 bricks cover?

It depends on the size of the bricks and their orientation when they are laid.

What are sun dried bricks?

Bricks that are made of clay and laid in the sun for drying. Most commericial bricks are formed in a mold and baked in an oven.

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What is special about the street plan of Philadelphia?

The street plan of Philadelphia is special because of how it was laid out. The streets were planned by William Penn who wanted each house to have enough room for a garden. Each lot is either a half acre or an acre and the streets are very broad.

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200 bricks are laid in 1hour and in constant speed work out how long it will take Bob to lay 960 bricks in hours and minutes?

4 hrs 51 mins

Eight bricks are laid end to end along the edge of a flower bed each brick is 8 .5 inches long how long is the row of bricks?


How did Alexander graham bell revolutionnize communications?

he got laid in between bricks in the wall of all the factories.

Name a solid wall bond and how is it laid?

One common solid wall bond is the stretcher bond, which consists of bricks laid in a single line with each course offset by half a brick. This pattern creates a strong and stable wall structure by evenly distributing the weight of the bricks.