You would be born in 1966 if you are 44 right now. (As of 2010, when the answer was originally given.)
If you were 44 years old at this year:2014, then you would have been born in 1970
The answer to this question should change every year that it is asked as change in year will greatly affect the actual outcome. For 2014 purposes, if you are turning 44 years old you were more than likely born in 1970.
As of today, July 23, 2012 you would be 44 years old.
If they have had their birthday in 2012, then 1968. Else 1967.
If you were born in 1967, then you would be 44 years old on your birthday in 2011; you would be only 43 until that day.
If you were 44 years old at this year:2014, then you would have been born in 1970
If you are 44 years old on October 2014, you were born in 1974.
In 2009, you would be 44 years old if you were born in 1965.
Born in 1966 mc magic born Marco cardenas is 44 years old
People born in 1973 will turn 44 in 2017.
Gina Neely was born in 1967 and she is 43 years old and her husband, Pat was born in 1966 and is 44 years old.
The answer to this question should change every year that it is asked as change in year will greatly affect the actual outcome. For 2014 purposes, if you are turning 44 years old you were more than likely born in 1970.
Depends on the month, but about 44 years old.
He is 44 Years Old. He was Born on December 18 1964
You would be 54 years old.
feb 1963 and 44 years old
Shakira is currently 44 years old, born on February 2, 1977.