

Best Answer

mainly in the world of buissness and building/decorating


From the moment you get up until you fall asleep that night you will use math skills in the real world.

  • Making sandwitches for lunch requires you to multiply and divide the amount of ingredients
  • Driving to work requires complex geometry and velocity calculatios to avoid other cars
  • Most jobs require time allocation
  • Lunch breaks require the us of fractions (I've half an hour to eat and a quarter of an hour to go for a walk.)
  • A game of pool after work requires geometry and physics
  • Cooking supper requires time, temperature and measurement
  • Hobbies like carpentry are all math
  • Any medication requires dosage calculation
  • etc.
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Many people learn algebra, and then never use it in their "real life". It's not that it COULDN'T be useful; but rather, that many people tend to forget how to use it. In some professions, you will DEFINITELY need algebra - as well as more advanced math.

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When solving a math problem

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Yes, you will.

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As with most advanced math, if your "real life" involves engineering work, you will use such math; otherwise, you will hardly have anything to do, in this case, with polynomial functions.

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Its simply as this. The only way you would use right triangles in real life if you would want to become a math teacher.

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you always use math in your life weather you are adding , subtracting , multipling or dividing you are always using math ! there is not a day that goes by that people dont use math !

How do you use math factors in real life?

you use it in a factor tree, and adding, as for everyday use, we dont use it too much.

Where you can use rounding off number in real life?

in math you roud number if that might help