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My guesstimate would be May or June depending on the total number promoted.

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Q: When will you sew on TSGT with a line number of 6800?
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its okay

When will you sew on if your line number is 4791?

April 2010

How do you Sew triangles together to form a straight line for a border?

In order to form a line and right angle turns (in case your quilting) sew an EVEN number of SAME size triangles.

Can i lose my line number?

Absolutely... You can lost your line number for numerous reasons. Depending on your CC, he/she can take that from you for the littlest incident. Just walk on eggshells until you sew on.

When do SSgt sew on with line numbers for march?

I had a line number of 6694 in 2011 and sewed on 01 Mar 2012. its usually aroung 1,000 per month, give or take.

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There are a number of ways to learn where to sew badges on a Brownie vest. You could ask the scout leader for example.

When was Sew Fast Sew Easy created?

Sew Fast Sew Easy was created in 1991.

What is pluarl for sew?

The word "sew" is a verb, not a noun. There is no plural for sew.

Can someone explain sew in tracks to me?

i expect it means, the same as ditch stitching, say you have put a band on a skirt, well where the band meets the skirt, right at that line, sew , so that you don't notice it...good luck

When do I sew on staff sergeant?

That depends on exactly what you mean. (USAF?) For Air Force, most likely you'll not put on SSgt before 4 years depending on your promotion test scores. If and when you do make it, you'll be assigned a "line number". Which stacks everyone up according to how long they've been in the current rank before promotion. So if you make it your first time most likely it will be about a year after you test for you to actually put on the new rank. Also, in the month that your promotion "line number" comes up, you put on the new rank on the first day of the month in which you're being promoted.

When do you test for TSgt if you sewed on SSgt March 2011 TIG is 6 years you are a 7 level already?

If you sewed on SSgt in March 2011 and you have 6 years of Time in Grade (TIG), and you are already a 7 level, you would be eligible to test for TSgt in the next available testing cycle after March 2017. However, eligibility to test for promotion is subject to other factors such as your Performance Evaluation, eligible Return from Overseas (EFMP), and other requirements set by your branch of the military.

How do I repair a wetsuit?

The short answer is glue, but use a type that is non-corrosive to neoprene. Either that or use fishing line and sew it.