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Factorials are a mathematics application used for combinations and permutations. The real world application of factorials are used to find the probability of certain things.

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Q: When would one use factorials?
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Related questions

Where can one get help with the subject of factorials in mathematics?

There are mathematics forums online where one can ask questions on factorials or one can read information on factorials. Examples of forums are the "Math Forum" and "Math is Fun" forum.

Do you have to shout factorials?


Is there an equivalent for factorials when dividing?

No, because division is not an associative operation.

Is factorial same as permutation?

No. Simple permutations are composed of 2 factorials.

Can the answers of factorials be decimals?

No. Factorials can only be placed on positive whole numbers or 0. For example, 0!, 1!, and 6! are all fine, but 2.5! and (-1)! are not. Since factorials can only be placed on whole numbers, that means you will only be multiplying whole numbers. 100! = 100 * 99 * 98 ... * 1; all those numbers are whole numbers, meaning your answer will be a whole number.

What are the last two digits in the sum of factorials of the first 100 positive integers?

They are 13.

Wap to check a number is strong number or not?

Logic Of Strong number: Take anumber.First findout the factorials of all the digits of the number.Then sum the factorials of all the digits.If that sum is equal to the entered number then that number is said to be a strong number.

How do i arrange a group of numbers to get the closest combination to a desire one?

There is no simple method. And it gets more difficult as you increase the number of permitted operations: powers, factorials and so on.

Zero factorial equal to one factorial then if we cancel the factorials on both side then the answer becomes zero equals one. do u accepts this?

0!=1! 1=1 The factorial of 0 is 1, not 0

What is the factorial of 1?

Nothing. Factorials are only defined for whole numbers (non-negative integers).

What is the largest number that can be formed using the digits 976542?

Without using exponents or factorials, that's it.

Is it which one it would be or which one would it be?

Answer: Which one would it be. It can be both actually. You can use 'which one it would be' as a statement such as - Between these two colors I wonder which one it would be - and use 'which one would it be' as a question such as - Between these two colors, which one would it be?