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Q: When would the shadow of the tree be shortest at midday or at sunset?
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If you were standing under a tree when would the shadow of the tree be shortest sunrise midday sunset?

The shadow of the tree would be shortest at midday when the sun is directly overhead. This is because the angle of the sunlight is most perpendicular to the tree, resulting in a shorter shadow. At sunrise and sunset, the angle of the sunlight is lower, creating longer shadows.

At what time of the day would a shadow be at its shortest?

i think sunset, midday, sunrise or midnight i dont know but these are the answers i can give and atleast i told u somethink lol At midday, when the sun is directly overhead.

What is midday on a sundial?

The shortest shadow on a sundial would be afternoon or Middaay

When is your shadow longest in the day?

Shadows are the longest when it is dawn or night. In the afternoon, the sun is over us, which makes our shadow short!

At what time of the day would shadow be at its shortest?


What time of the day would the shadow be at its shortest?


Is a shadow usually longer at mid day than at sunset?

On the contrary, shadows (at least, those cast by sunlight) would be shortest at mid day and longest at sunset or sunrise, which is a phenomenon you can easily observe for yourself (which is why I have categorized this question under Science Experiments).

At what time of day would you expect to find the shortest shadows?

NOON When the sun is at it's highest point in the sky

At what time of the day would you expect to find the shortest shadows and why?

You would expect to find the shortest shadows around noon when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. This is because the angle of the sun's rays are more directly overhead, resulting in shorter shadows.

Which time of the day would a trees shadow be the longest?

Just after sunrise, or just before sunset.

What time of day is your shadow the shortest?

At mid-day or when the sun is as close to overhead of you as possible. At this time, your shadow will be directly below you and not long, as it is at sunrise or sunset. If you want which day in a year the Shadow likely to be smallest than it is June 22

When would your shadow be the shortest near the north pole and why?

Your shadow would be the shortest near the north pole during the summer solstice, around June 21st. This is because the sun is directly overhead, casting shadows that appear very short. At the north pole during this time, the sun never sets, leading to continuous daylight and minimal shadow length.