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Some examples:

  • when you work out how much paint you need to redecorate your house,
  • when you choose to hang your washing on the line to dry rather than leave it in a clump,
  • when you decide the minimum amount of spread you want on your toast.

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Q: When would we use surface area in everyday life?
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Give an example of area used in everyday life?

well it depend what you do but i would say your house

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If you wanted to redecorate your house, you would need to know how much carpet, paint or wallpaper you would need - you would use area and perimeter to work this out.

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we do not regularly use pi in our everyday life. But suppose you some how end up one day painting a cylindrical room. You will have to use pi to find out the circumference or surface area of the room you will have to use pi to figure out how much area you will have to paint

What are example of surface area and volume in real life?

Solid objects exist in real life. Each one of them has a surface area as well as a volume.

How is surface area used in real life?

I might want to find the surface area of a box if I were trying to wrap it as a birthday present, that way I'd know how much wrapping paper I would need.

How surface area and volume of solid cube shape is used in your daily life?

In my daily life, I have no use for the surface area and or volume of a cube. None whatsoever.

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Groundwater is water that is located beneath the Earth's surface. In terms of everyday life, it can be very important for plant growth as this is what plants primarily feed off of.