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Q: When would you use a stereomicroscope?
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Who invented the stereomicroscope?

Horation S. Greenough

What microscope can view opaque objects?

A stereo microscope would be the best option for viewing opaque objects. This type of microscope provides a 3D view of the specimen and is capable of illuminating opaque objects from above and below to enhance visibility.

What type of item do you study with a stereomicroscope?

Three dimensions

Is a stereomicroscope the same as a dissecting?

Yes, I believe so

When setting an Excel formula what is the word used when subtracting one column from another?

You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.You would use the minus symbol.

When you use would?

like this. "when would you use would?"

Why would you use a database?

you would use a database? You would use it to store data

How to change a field to Uppercase in a query?

Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.Use an Update query and in it you would use the Upper function.

Please use would have?

I would have use please.

Would you also use iris in plural form or irises?

I would use "irises."

What would you use to mesure volume?

you would use a ruler.

When would you use would have and would of?

You would use would have and would of in a sentence such as "When would have/of you done that?" or "If I had enough money I would have/of had a laptop."Hope this has helped you! =D