Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
It is important because depending on the problem it is easier to use fractions or decimals. Sometimes the problem is asking for an exact answer, in which case you would keep it in fraction form.
decimals are most commonly seen in money.
fractions are just decimals in a different form.A cereal box has decimals on its network
no because that is stupid and decimals are for numbers
If you can use decimals, then the smallest number would be 0.8765321. But if you can't use decimals, then it would be 10235678.
The Romans did not use decimals as we know them today but they did use fractions to a limited extent.If they did use decimals then the answer would be X.LXXXVIII.
i dont think one would
You can use decimals in money.
By the time you advance to the point of dividing decimals, you don't use remainders any more.
Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
It is important because depending on the problem it is easier to use fractions or decimals. Sometimes the problem is asking for an exact answer, in which case you would keep it in fraction form.
How you use decimals in real life.We use decimals when buying a grocery items in the market. Example the price of potato is $20.19.
In a tenths situation is when sky divers use decimals.
money uses decimals
decimals are most commonly seen in money.