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It could be used in the packaging industry, to mimise on cardboard waste for example, they could see how much rotational symmetry the net has and it might help them to find a way to tessalate the nets.

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Q: When would you use rotation symmetry in life?
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There are many uses of similar triangles in daily life. These triangles can create the symmetry in art and other aspects that they enjoy.

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To assign a point group to a molecule, you first identify its symmetry elements such as rotation axes, mirror planes, and inversion centers. Then, use those elements to determine the point group using crystallographic tables or software. The resulting point group describes the overall symmetry of the molecule.

What jobs use symmetry?

You can use symmetry in jobs when you are a teacher in Math, Science or Art. If your job is to help kids with crafts then you could use symmetry. If you are a painter you might want to mentally cut the house in half (symmetry) so you won't be going from one side to another.

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What do scientists mean when use when they say symmetry?

Scientists and mathematicians have collaborated to create a huge theory about symmetry. The basic ideas are simple but the advanced parts of the subject are anything but simple. We can say that a human being displays a kind of symmetry because our left sides are like our right sides. It's as if one side were mirrored in the other. This is bilateral symmetry. Many creatures are similar to us in symmetry. If you were able to see just the left half of a fly then you would have a very good idea what the right side would be like. This is one use of symmetry. Now if you could imagine some much more complicated kind of symmetry then that is what physicists might use to predict the existence of some new kind of subatomic particle. They try to find the pattern and then see what is needed to complete the pattern. For more about symmetry please see the wikipedia article.

Meaning of the word lathe?

It is a machine tool which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, use to create an object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation.

How can you use symmetry in a sentence for a 4th grader?

Easy.The water in the stream flowed like symmetry.

What is the importance of trigonometry in your daily life?

Trigonometry is important in daily life for many reasons. People use patterns and symmetry in relating to objects around them. For example. trigonometry is used in decorating a home.

What type of math does an architect use?

acrhitects use geometry and symmetry