Decimals can be "terminating" "recurring" or "other." A terminating decimal is one which is finite. Recurring and other decimals continue on forever. For instance 0.5 is a terminating decimal. 0.729 is a terminating decimal. 0.3333333... is not a terminating decimal. pi (3.1415926535....) is not a terminating decimal.
Decimals can be recurring. Decimals can be terminating. They can't be both.
It's a recurring decimal
Some non-terminating decimals are repeating decimals.
No, it is an infinitely recurring decimal.
Decimals can be "terminating" "recurring" or "other." A terminating decimal is one which is finite. Recurring and other decimals continue on forever. For instance 0.5 is a terminating decimal. 0.729 is a terminating decimal. 0.3333333... is not a terminating decimal. pi (3.1415926535....) is not a terminating decimal.
Decimals can be recurring. Decimals can be terminating. They can't be both.
It is a terminating decimal and as a fraction it is 47/50 in its lowest terms.
It's a recurring decimal
Terminating means stops. If it stops, it's a terminating decimal. If it keeps on going, it's repeating or recurring.
Some non-terminating decimals are repeating decimals.
No, it is an infinitely recurring decimal.
If it is a terminating or recurring decimal then it is not irrational. If it is an infinite, non-recurring decimal, it is irrational.
Yes because it is not recurring
A decimal need not be a rational. A non-terminating, non recurring decimal is an irrational number. Only a terminating decimal or a recurring decimal is rational and that is because such a number can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
The decimal expansion of an irrational number is non terminating and non recurring