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Q: When you add an acid to an alkali does it make the pH number go up?
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What is ment by nutralisation?

its when you add an acid and an alkali together to make something neutral

When you add an acid to an alkali can it make the solution neutral?

Yes, if you add enough. The pH will then be 7 (green).

How do you neutralize a acid or alkali?

To neutralize an acid, you can add a base. For example, mixing vinegar (an acid) with baking soda (a base) creates carbon dioxide gas and water. To neutralize an alkali, you can add an acid. For instance, mixing a solution of sodium hydroxide (an alkali) with hydrochloric acid would form water and a salt.

Are antacids a acid or alkali?

Antacids work against acids. If you were to add an acid to an acid you would just make more acid. They are therefore alkaline.

What do you add to any acid to neutralize it?

An alkali

How neutralize a alkali?

To neutralize an alkali, you can add an acid to it. The acid will balance out the pH level by reacting with the alkali. Common acids used for neutralization include hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and acetic acid.

What does neutrilise mean?

In acid-base reactions, neutralizing is when you add exactly enough chemical to bring the total solution pH to 7. If you have acid you put alkali in it; for alkali you add acid.

What are the TWO precautions in an acid-alkali titration in order to obtain the desired products?

Add alkali (not soda) to acid, the other way around is not favoured..... ?

What happens when you add an alkali to an alkali?

Adding an alkali to another alkali would result in a chemical reaction that increases the concentration of hydroxide ions in the solution, leading to an increase in pH. The final solution would be more basic than the original alkali solutions.

What is the reaction when you add acids and alkali's?

you create a neutral solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well it depends actually it doesn't always create a neutral solution. Here's the order: Strong Alkali + Strong Acid = Neutralisation (water + salt) Strong Alkali + Weak Acid = Weak Alkali Weak Alkali + Weak Acid = Neutralisation ( water + salt) Weak Alkali + Strong Acid = Weak Acid Strong Alkali + Strong Acid = Neutralisation (water + salt) Hope it helps! :)

What is the material used to remove an indicator from a neutralized solution how does this work?

it is universal indicator with mixture of alkali

What happens whey you add acid to alkali the pH solution gets?

When acid is added to an alkali, the pH of the solution decreases. The reaction between the acid and alkali results in the formation of water and a salt. This process is known as neutralization.