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To know the Length of the Vector represented on the graph you have to first know the unit you are representing on it. Say the Vector being represented is a distance of 3 Km, You would have to first create a scale for the graph showing a shortened version of it. (Ex. 1Cm=.5km)


The length of the arrow is in proportion to the force that the vector exerts on the body.

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Q: When you add vectors graphically you draw arrows to represent the vectors How do you know how long to draw the arrows?
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How do you add two or more vectors?

Vectors are represented by arrows. They represent something that has magnitude, expressed by the length of the arrow, and direction shown by the direction the arrow head points away from the reference system. Vector addition is really quite simple. Make sure all vectors of interest use the same units of magnitude. Pick a vector and place the tail of the arrow on the intersection of the reference system. Do not change it's direction or magnitude. Take the next vector you wish to add and place the tail at the tip of the arrow of the first vector. Again, do not change either direction or magnitude. Do this with all vectors you wish to add. Remember, NEVER CHANGE MAGNITUDE OR DIRECTION. When you draw a new vector from the origin of the reference to the tip of the last vector in the chain of vectors being added, the new vector is the sum of all the vectors in the chain.

How do you add vectors that are perpendicular?

Vectors can be added graphically: draw one vector on paper, move the other so that its tail coincides with the head of the first. Vectors can also be added by components. Just add the corresponding components together. For example, if one vector is (10, 0) and the other is (0, 5) (those two would be perpendicular), the combined vector is (10+ 0, 0 + 5), that is, (10, 5). Such a vector can also be converted to polar coordinates, that is, a length and an angle; use the "rectangular to polar" conversion on your scientific calculator to do that.

What is the rule for adding vectors?

The general rule for adding vectors is to hook them together "head to tail" and then draw in a resultant vector. The resultant will have the magnitude and direction that represents the sum of the two vectors that were added.

How do you prove using a diagram that the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is less than or equal to the sum of the magnitude of the two vectors?

You could draw a circle [center at origin] with radius of (a + b), for the two magnitudes a and b. This represents the sum of the magnitudes. Then draw one of the vectors starting at the origin [suppose it's vector a], and then draw a circle centered at the endpoint of vector a, with a radius of b. Drawing a circle demonstrates how the second vector can point in any direction relative to the first vector. The distance from the origin to a point on this second circle is the magnitude of the resultant vector. Graphically this second circle will be entirely inside the first circle and touching it at just one point. Since it lies within the first circle, the distance from the origin to a point on that circle will be less than or equal to the radius of the first circle.

When adding vectors simply draw and label the given information for what kind of solution?

That's a graphical solution.

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If yes, draw the forces. You may use arrows to represent these forces.

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If yes, draw the forces. You may use arrows to represent these forces.

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Vectors can be added using the component method, where you add the corresponding components of the vectors to get the resultant vector. You can also add vectors using the graphical method, where you draw the vectors as arrows and then add them tip-to-tail to find the resultant vector. Additionally, vectors can be added using the trigonometric method, where you use trigonometry to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

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To draw the water cycle, start by drawing bodies of water (ocean, lake, river) with arrows moving up to represent evaporation. Label this process as "Evaporation." Next, draw clouds in the sky with arrows moving down to represent condensation. Label this process as "Condensation." Lastly, draw arrows moving from the clouds down to the ground to represent precipitation, and label this as "Precipitation." Connect all three processes in a circle to show the continuous cycle of water.

How do you draw and label vectors?

To draw and label a vector, you can represent the vector as an arrow with a specific direction and magnitude. The tail of the arrow represents the starting point of the vector, while the head of the arrow indicates the endpoint. You can label the vector with a letter or symbol to represent it.

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Draw three phasors (vectors) at 120o with each other, with each the same length. Now, vectorially add those phasors graphically -you will see that they cancel.

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No, it is not possible to combine two vectors of different magnitudes to give a zero resultant. However, it is possible to combine three or more vectors of different magnitudes and directions to give a zero resultant if they form a closed polygon or if they are in equilibrium.

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Draw them at right angles to each other.

To find the solution when adding vectors simply draw and label the given information?

to find the ___- solution when adding vectors, simply and draw label the given information

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To draw forces acting on a pen, you can use arrows to represent the direction and magnitude of the forces. For example, if the pen is being pushed down on a table, you can draw a downward arrow to represent the force of gravity acting on it. If there is an additional force pushing the pen to the side, you can add a second arrow in the direction of that force.

How do you draw an array?

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