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Q: When you change 2 in 825 336 156 to 4 by how much is the value of the number increased?
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You take the original number. You then work out by how much this number has changed (so if the new number is bigger subtract the original number from the new number and if it is smaller subtract the new number from the original). Now you divide the difference (how much the number has changed) by the original number and multiply the result by 100.An example:100 becomes 120.The number has changed by (120 - 100) 20. It has increased by 20.To calculate the percentage change we do:20 (the change) / 100 (the original number) and then multiply by 100 (to turn it in to a percentage rather than a fraction).20/100 * 100 = 20%So, in this example, the number has increased by 20%.

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This is a problem that people face every day. If you spent 10% of your money on food last year and 20% of your money on food this year, how much did your spending on food increase as a percentage of your money? You solve this problem the same way you find any other change percentage: subtract the old value from the new value and divide that number by the old value. So, (20%-10%)/10% = 100%. The percentage of your money that you spend on food has increased 100% over last year.