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Q: When you do negative numbers do you start with the negative number or positive?
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How would you explain to a seventh grader the difference between the domains of an odd root radical function and an even root radical function?

To start with, when you multiply an even number of negative numbers, the answer is positive. When you multiply an odd number of negative numbers, the answer is negative. When you multiply any number of positive numbers, the answer is always positive. For positive numbers, the value of a power is always positive. For negative numbers, the value of an odd power is negative, and the value of an even power is positive. Finding roots is the inverse of taking powers, so that an odd-root function can be evaluated for any value of x. An even-root function, however, cannot be evaluated when the value of x is negative, since an even power can never result in a negative answer. The domain of an odd root function is all real numbers; the domain of an even root function is the non-negative real numbers.

What is -4 x 6?


Does a negative and positive equal a negative?

If you have a negative and a positive, then all you have is a negative and a positive. If you want to talk about performing some arithmetic operation on a pair of numbers where each number has one of those signs, we can certainly discuss that. But you'll need to be much more clear in your question. A great start would be to specify which arithmetic operation you're interested in, and we can go from there.

What is the sum of the first 36 odd numbers?

There is no "first" odd number because you can start as low as negative infinity and work your way up. If you meant first positive odd numbers, You can do the addition yourself.

Are integers counting numbers?

No- not exactly. Negative integers are not counting numbers. Positive integers are identified with counting numbers. Many authors like to start with zero as a counting number.

Related questions

Why is 0 on the number line?

So the positive and negative numbers know where to start.

How do you subtract a negative number from a positive number?

you subtract the numbers then he higher number to start out with is the awnser. example: negative 3 - positive 7= 3-7=4 the higher number is 7 so i is positive. the final answer is positive 4

Can you put this number in order -11.111 -111.11 1.11 11.1 -11.1 -1.11?

Answer: I cannot answer this question. I do not know where the numbers start and end. Answer: Put negative numbers before positive numbers. For the positive numbers, the one with the least digits is smaller. For the same number of digits, compare each digit until you find a different number of digits. For the negative numbers, it is the opposite as for positive numbers.

How would you explain to a seventh grader the difference between the domains of an odd root radical function and an even root radical function?

To start with, when you multiply an even number of negative numbers, the answer is positive. When you multiply an odd number of negative numbers, the answer is negative. When you multiply any number of positive numbers, the answer is always positive. For positive numbers, the value of a power is always positive. For negative numbers, the value of an odd power is negative, and the value of an even power is positive. Finding roots is the inverse of taking powers, so that an odd-root function can be evaluated for any value of x. An even-root function, however, cannot be evaluated when the value of x is negative, since an even power can never result in a negative answer. The domain of an odd root function is all real numbers; the domain of an even root function is the non-negative real numbers.

What is the smallest number not to start with 0?

Numbers don't stop in either direction. The smallest positive number not starting with 0 is 1. The smallest negative number is infinite.

Does there have to be a zero on a number line?

No, not necessarily. A number line can start and end wherever you need it. But if you are including both positive and negative numbers, then there needs to be a position for zero.

When you square a negative number is it positive or negative?

The square of a real number is always positive no matter which real number you start with. Therefore, a negative number squared is positive. For example: 2 * 2 = 4, -2 * -2 = 4.

If when you take the square root of a number you will get a real number?

The answer depends on the level that you are at. Since you are asking the question, you are not advanced enough to know about complex numbers. So the answer is as follows: When you take the square root of a non-negative number you will get a real number. In fact, if you start with a positive number you will get two real numbers - one positive and one negative. For example, sqrt(0.25) = -0.5 and +0.5

If a negative number squared is positive why isn't the square root of a positive number negative?

Don't forget that a positive number squared is also positive.The rule has nothing to do with whether they're positive or negative. The rule is:When you multiply two numbers together, if their signs are the same then the product is positive.If their signs are different, then the product is negative.When you square a number, the two numbers you're multiplying are the same number,so their signs are always the same, and the product (the square) is always positive.Going the other way, you start with a positive number that's the product. Since it's positive,you know that the two numbers that were multiplied to get it have the same sign ... theycould both be positive, or they could both be negative.The answer to your question is more weird than you expected: The square root of a positive numberis negative. It's also positive. A positive number has two square roots ... the positive one andnegative one.Now, the square root of a negative number is something more difficult. No number squared can equal a negative except for what is called imaginary numbers, defined by "i". For example, the square root of -1 is i, and the square root of -2 is (√2)*i.

What is -4 x 6?


What is next number in logical sequence of 18 13 9 6 4?

The numbers are decreasing by a number that decrements by 1 every time. Notice that the numbers start increasing after a while because the decrement is now a negative number. A negative negative number is positive. 18 13 9 6 4 3 3 4 6 ...

What are the negative Fibonacci numbers called?

The negative Fibonacci numbers (also known as the Negafibonacci numbers) consist of the Fibonacci numbers in an alternating negative and positive pattern.The start of the Negafibonacci sequence runs thus:1, -1, 2, -3, 5, -8, 13, -21...And continues in a pattern identical to the Fibonacci numbers but with alternating negative and positive numbers.