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Q: When you don't know an answer to a question its best to leave it blank and come back to it later because?
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When you don't know the answer to a question it's best to leave it blank and come back to it later because?

you might get clues to the answer as you go through the rest of the exam.

What should you do when you don’t know the answer to a question?

Leave the question blank and come back fo it later

Can you blank an answer that doesn't answer your question?

You should NOT blank answers because that is known as blanking which is a mild form of vandalism. But if the answer is wrong then yes. But if in doubt contact a supervisor and they will see if it's okay. Also if it is not then leave it. Or if it is okay to blank that answer for that case or instance then leave it to the supervisors to blank it. Because when supervisors blank an answer it is called reverting. And reverting an answer is okay. Or if a supervisor blanks it by removing the answer it is usually okay. So I say to be on the safe side let a Supervisor know and have them check it out.

What happens if you leave all the questions blank on the SAT?

The SAT's scoring system is kind of hard to understand. Every time you get a question right, you get a point. Every time you miss one (ANSWER INCORRECTLY NOT LEAVE BLANK) you get 1/4 a point taken away. If you leave a question blank you receive no points, but you don't lose any either. ---------------------------- You can leave questions blank on the SAT. Just like the other person said, Correct answer = 1 pt Incorrect answer = -1/4 pt Blank = 0 pt The test is made so that the expected value from randomly guessing is 0. If you are unsure of a question and can eliminate a few answer choices, it's probably a good idea to guess. On a math grid-in question, however, you do not get penalized for wrong answers, so never leave those questions blank (at least guess if you have no idea).

Can you leave blank lines between macros in a macro group?

No, because Access will interpret a blank line as no further action and stop executing the macros.

Is it acceptable to leave the subject space blank when writing emails?

No is not acceptable to leave subject space blank

What is a synonym for forgot?

block, leave, bury, draw a blank, blank out

You cannot leave blank lines between macros in a macro group?

This is not a question; it is a statement. Please ask a question using words that indicate what you would like to know.

What is the word I'm missing in the quote i will not blank that with a response?

It's usually used when somebody asks you a question. "I will not DIGNIFY that question with a response." Although you could leave out the word question, depending on the context.

How do you answer a question that you dont even know the topic?

You can't answer a question you don't even know what the question is asking. Plus, if you don't even know anything about the topic of the answer, you should just leave it alone. Don't attempt to answer the question with 'i dont know' or anything of the sort - just leave it alone for someone else to answer on WikiAnswers.If it is about a test, you just leave it blank and take the 0 on that question.

Why did Dmitri leave blank spaces on the periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev left blank spaces on the periodic table to account for elements that had not been discovered yet. He predicted the existence and properties of these missing elements based on the patterns and trends of the known elements in the table. This allowed for the successful prediction of the characteristics of elements like gallium and germanium.

Should you put in salary amount or leave blank?

when filling a job application, should you put in your desired salary, or put open, or leave blank?