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No, it takes more than double the time.

It probably takes the same amount of time for the driver to react - though given that at double the speed you are passing twice as many things outside, your reaction time may be affected. The kinetic energy of the car increases as the square of the velocity and this must be reduced to zero when you have stopped. So the relationship is non-linear.

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Q: When you double your speed in a car does it take double the time to stop?
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When you double your speed in a car how long does it take to stop?

Double the time it takes to stop with normal speed.

When you double your speed how much time does it take to stop?

The overall relationship is complicated. The stopping time comprises reaction time and the time for deceleration. The reaction time is approximately independent of the speed but the deceleration is mainly related to the kinetic energy of the vehicles. The stopping time also depends on the road conditions, the brakes and tyre treads.

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