For a quick estimate, you would usually round to one, sometimes to two, significant digits. One significant digit means discarding all digits after the first, i.e., converting them to zero (and rounding the remaining digit up or down as appropriate).
She should round to the nearest hundred. why?
170 is already at the nearest ten. It will round up to 200 to be to the nearest 100.
60 to the nearest ten and 800 to the hundred
Your sum might be less than fifty and you would rather round to forty than zero.
To the nearest ten: 360 To the nearest hundred: 400
She should round to the nearest hundred. why?
To the nearest ten: 760 To the nearest hundred: 800
To the nearest ten: 860 To the nearest hundred: 900
Nearest hundred: 82600,Nearest ten thousand: 80000.
What is 659.347 round of to the nearest hundred ten tenth hundredth
170 is already at the nearest ten. It will round up to 200 to be to the nearest 100.
60 to the nearest ten and 800 to the hundred
To the nearest ten, 980 To the nearest hundred, 1000
To the nearest ten is 200 and to the nearest is hundred 200
Your sum might be less than fifty and you would rather round to forty than zero.
To the nearest ten: 360 To the nearest hundred: 400
To the nearest ten it is 260 To the nearest hundred it is 300