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Q: When you extend a line beyond your data points to predict the value outside your data points you?
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What is a straight line that does not extend between its two end points?

If you mean a straight line that does not extend BEYOND it's two end points, then that would be a 'line segment.'

What is the process of using a set of known data points on a graph to predict where an unknown data point outside of that range would lie?


Which of these describes the process of surveying an essay?

Previewing the essay to predict main ideas and make connections

Extrapolation is most advisable if it is difficult to predict what the dat relationship actually is beyond the range of the existing observations-true or false?

False. Extrapolation is most advisable for a data point between two known points.

What does straight mean in mathematical terms?

By definition, a straight line is the set of all points between and extending beyond two points. In most geometries, a line is a primitive object that does not have formal properties beyond length, its single dimension. The two properties of straight lines in Euclidean geometry are that they have only one dimension, length, and they extend in two directions forever.

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Points do not extend, lines do.

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From what points do the lines of force of Earth's magnetic field extend?

They extend between the North and South MagneticPoles.

Why do forecasters try to predict flood heights at different points along a river?

Why do forecasters try to predict flood heights at different points along a river? - they do this to issue warnings fast.

How do you name the different undefined terms in geometry?

points, lines and planes. points are always represented by a dot lines has extend in both direction and planes extend in all direction. this is true !

Lines that are equidisnt at all points no matter how far extend?

Are parallel.

What is a set of points that extend in two directions without ending?

It is a line.