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If the equation is balanced, the mass will be the same on each side of the equation.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.

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Q: When you have a chemical change is the mass of what you start with less equal or greater than what you end with?
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Is 0.795 greater than 0.15?

To compare two decimals, start by comparing the digits with the highest place-value. In this case, the first digit after the decimal point. Whichever is greater, belongs to the greater number. If these digits are equal (for example, when you compare 0.15 and 0.173), compare the second digit - and continue until you find a difference.

Is 0.42 kg greater than 478 g?

Let's start by doing a little word analysis. "kg" is the abbreviation for kilogram. "Kilo" means 1000, so a "kilogram" is 1000 grams. 0.42 kg is equal to 0.42*1000 grams, which is equal to 420 grams. To answer the question now, 0.42 kg is LESS than 478 g.

Does equal sign proceeds a formula?

If you mean in Excel, yes: you must always start a formula with an equal sign.

Can anyone let me know the similarities between the average and instantaneous rates of change?

The average rate of change is the rate of change between the start and the finish, not simply at one point in time.Suppose you want to get to your friend's house in a hurry. You start running but then get out of breath and walk the rest of the way. The average rate of change in your distance from your home will be the total distance to your friend's house divided by the total time taken to get there. The instantaneous rate, when you are running, will be a measure of how much distance that you are covering per one moment of time then. This will be greater than the instantaneous rate when you are walking.

What angles start with a in geometery?

How about 'acute' angles which are greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees.

Related questions

The substances used to start a chemical change are called?

The substances used to start a chemical change are called reactants. Reactants are the starting materials that undergo a chemical reaction to produce new substances called products.

Is displacement always equal to distance?

No, displacement and distance are not always equal. Distance measures the total length traveled regardless of direction, while displacement measures the change in position from start to end point, including direction. Displacement can be less than, equal to, or greater than distance depending on the path taken.

What helps start up a chemical change but does not itself take part in the reaction?


Is drawing cooper into wire a chemical change?

No, drawing copper into wire is a physical change because the chemical composition of copper remains the same throughout the process. The transformation involves only a change in shape and size, not in the chemical properties of the copper atoms.

What happens when chemical?

When atoms of two different elements join together (or combine) to make molecules of a compound, scientists say that a Chemical Change or Chemical Reaction has taken place. I you look at the substances you start off with and the substance you get after the change, they are often different.

What is a substance that results in a chemical change called?

A substance that results in a chemical change is called a reactant. Reactants are substances that are present at the start of a chemical reaction and are transformed into different substances (products) during the reaction.

What is the difference between matter changes and chemical changes?

Matter changes involve physical alterations in substances, such as changes in state (solid, liquid, gas) or shape, without altering the chemical composition. Chemical changes, on the other hand, involve the formation of new substances with different chemical properties due to the rearrangement of atoms and molecules.

Is forming compound physical or chemical change?

The forming of the carbon elemental form is a chemical change. The deposition on the flask is likely a physical change, although it may not be any change at all (solid being the STP phase of carbon).

Is solid a physical or chemical change?

Neither. A physical change is changing something's tangible properties, such as shape or state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas), while a chemical change is turning something into something else entirely. For example, water freezing into ice is a physical change, but cake batter turning into cake is a chemical change. So, if it's the same thing that you start with as a liquid or gas and it simply becomes a solid, it's a physical change. If it becomes something else entirely, it's a chemical change. I hope that helped.

Is wax solidifying a physical or chemical change?

Wax solidifying is a physical change. It involves a change in the state of matter from liquid to solid without any alteration in the chemical composition of the wax molecules.

Fruit left out of the refrigerator for a few days a physical or chemical change?

Fruit left out of the refrigerator for a few days would undergo a physical change. This is because the fruit would start to rot, change color, and possibly develop mold, but the chemical composition of the fruit itself does not change. The changes are primarily due to environmental factors like exposure to air, moisture, and microorganisms.

Can my total displacement be greater than my total distance?

No, your total displacement (the straight line distance from start to finish, regardless of path taken) cannot be greater than your total distance (the sum of all the length of the path taken). Displacement can be shorter or equal to distance, but not greater.