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Q: When you interpret a distance-time graph the seed of the object is determined be?
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Why do you need to interpret the graph?

All we need here is a graph to interpret

What is the significance of distanced-time graph?

A distance time graph is important because it helps determine the speed of a person or object. The use of the graph helps to easily interpret the results.

How do you interpret how an object is moving from a distance time graph?

If the distance is not changing, the object is not moving. If the distance is increasing or decreasing linearly then the object is moving at a constant velocity. If the distance is increasing or decreasing parabolically then the object is being accelerated or decellerated.

How the velocity can be determined by displacement time graph?

The velocity of an object can be determined from a displacement-time graph by calculating the slope of the graph at a specific point. The slope at a given point represents the instantaneous velocity of the object at that point. The steeper the slope, the greater the velocity, with positive slopes indicating motion in one direction and negative slopes indicating motion in the opposite direction.

The scale in a graph is determined by?

The scale in a graph is determined by the range of the dependent and independent variables.

How can you determine the displacement of an object from a velocity time graph?

The displacement of an object from a velocity-time graph can be determined by finding the area under the velocity-time graph. For example, the displacement over a certain time interval can be calculated by finding the area of the corresponding region under the velocity-time graph. This can be done by calculating the area of the trapezoid or rectangle formed by the graph.

How is frequency determined in a graph?

The answer depends on what the graph displays.

What information can be learned from a position-time graph and from a speed-time graph?

A position time graph can show you velocity. As time changes, so does position, and the velocity of the object can be determined. For a speed time graph, you can derive acceleration. As time changes, so does velocity, and the acceleration of the object can be determined.If you are plotting velocity (speed) versus time, the slope is the acceleration.

What advantages does a motion graph have over the other ways to represent the motion of an object?

A motion graph provides a visual representation of an object's motion over time, making it easier to interpret and analyze compared to text or numerical data. It allows for observing trends, patterns, and changes in motion with a single glance, aiding in understanding the dynamics of the object's movement.

How do scientists interpret relationships among species?

chart, graph

What can be determined from a velocity time graph?

The simplest answer is the velocity of an object at a given time. It is also possible to determine the acceleration and displacement - but only in the same direction as the velocity. No information on motion in a transverse direction can be determined.

How fast is an object going if its speed and time graph is horizontal?

An object can only gain speed if there is a net force on it. If a net horizontal force acting on an object is large enough, or acts for a long enough time, the object can aquire a speed up to just under the speed of light, 3 x 10^8 m/s.