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Q: When you move the vertically the number that is part of the x term changes?
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What is the speed of a wheel when a car is moving at 200 km an hour?

At one particular moment, the part of the wheel at the bottom will not move at all, and the part at the top will move with twice 200 kph. This is with relation to the ground. With relation to the car, the outer part of the wheel will have a speed of 200 kph.At one particular moment, the part of the wheel at the bottom will not move at all, and the part at the top will move with twice 200 kph. This is with relation to the ground. With relation to the car, the outer part of the wheel will have a speed of 200 kph.At one particular moment, the part of the wheel at the bottom will not move at all, and the part at the top will move with twice 200 kph. This is with relation to the ground. With relation to the car, the outer part of the wheel will have a speed of 200 kph.At one particular moment, the part of the wheel at the bottom will not move at all, and the part at the top will move with twice 200 kph. This is with relation to the ground. With relation to the car, the outer part of the wheel will have a speed of 200 kph.

What number has a whole number part and a fraction part?

It is a mixed number.

What is the whole number part?

It is the part of the number before the decimal point or fraction For example, in the number 5.38, the whole number part is 5 For example, in the number 6 and 1/2 the whole number part is 6

What number that has a whole number part and a fraction part is?

A mixed number.

The sum of a whole number part and a fraction part?

Is a mixed number.

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When you move the circle vertically the number that is part of the x-term changes?


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The part of an element that never changes is the?

The number of protons.

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A thermohaline current flows vertically as it is driven by gravity. In fluid dynamics, we call this kind of current a gravity current.

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A 2/3 majority of the number of cardinal electors taking part in a conclave are required to elected a pope. The actual number changes as the number of cardinal electors changes,

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The carpals are a group of eight bones in the wrist that provide stability and flexibility to the wrist joint. They allow for a wide range of movement in the wrist and hand. Additionally, they aid in transferring forces from the hand to the forearm.

How do you scratch the wii points card?

Ok, on the back of the card there is a siver scratch area. You get any kind of coin and rub it on the scratch area with the coin held vertically. The silver part will rub off and there is the number you need!

Which part of plant changes into fruit?

The part of a plant that changes into a fruit is the Ovule (the female section of the flower).

What part of the Constitution changes the rest?

The Amendments of the Constitution changes the rest.

What does frost on a regulator for a propane grill mean?

As bottled propane changes from liquid to gas as it passes through the requlator it changes state and absorbs heat from the air. This causes the moisture in the air to freeze around this metal part. This is normal and is exactly the same mechanism as used in a fridge. Placing an adhesive strip thermometer,or your hand, vertically on the side of the gas bottle will tell you how full it is by the cold boundary.

What part of an element atom makes it different from other element?

Its protons. The atom changes depending on how many protons it has. See also atomic number.