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THREE because there are three zeros in 1000. Power or 10's dude. Powers of 10.

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Q: When you multiply by 1000 how decimal places do you move to the right?
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How can you multiply by a decimal by 1000?

Move the decimal point three places to the right.

What happens to he decimal point in a number when you multiply it by 1000?

It moves three places to the right.

How do i convert grams to milligrams?

Multiply by 1000 or move the decimal three places to the right.

What is the answer when you multiply a decimal number by 1000?

Exactly what you have when you just move the decimal point three places to the right from where it originally is.

How and which way do you move the decimal from liters to milliliters?

To convert from liters to milliliters, you move the decimal point three places to the right. For example, if you have 1.5 liters, moving the decimal three places to the right gives you 1500 milliliters.

How many places do you have to move the decimal point to multiply a decimal number by 1000?

Three. Count number of zeros. If multiply decimal by 100 move decimal point 2 places, etc.

How do you convert fractions into grams?

It depends what they are fractions of. For fractions of kilograms, simply multiply by 1000 (move the decimal point 3 places to the right).

How do you multiply decimals by 1000?

moving the decimal 3 place to the right 1000 have 3 zeros.

When converting kilometers to meters the decimal is moved were?

When you calculate how many metres are in a certain number of kilometres, you multiply - thus moving the decimal point to the right. For example: 3.8873 kilometres is equal to 3.8873 x 1000 = 3887.3 metres.

How do you multiply one tenths and one hundredths or one thousandths?

To multiply by 1/10, move the decimal point 1 place to the left. To multiply by 1/100, move the decimal point 2 places to the left. To multiply by 1/1000, move the decimal point 3 places to the left.

What would move the decimal three places to the right?

Multiplying by 1000

What is 1000 x 60490?

60,490,000 To multiply by 1000, just move the decimal place 3 spaces to the right.