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Q: When you put together unequal groups you can only add is it correct?
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When you put together unequal groups you only add. Is he correct?

When you put together unequal groups you only add. Is he correct?

When you put together unequal groups you can only add is it correct and explain?

juan says when you put together unequal groups you can only add is he correct

When you put together unequal groups can you only add?

yes because in addition the number only comes up

When you put together unequal groups you can only add?

That is true because in addition the number only comes up once.

Can unequal groups only be added in math?

No, any operation can be done to them.

Is it correct English to say revolving group?

It is not a common expression, but it is sometimes used in organizational behavior (business), sociology or psychology. It refers to the difference between two types of groups: "fixed groups" are those whose members stay together for a long time; "revolving groups" are those with members that only stay together until a specific task is accomplished.

When you will be receiving the invitation tonight only then will we go together Is the sentence correct or when you receive the invitation tonight only then will we go together?

The correct sentence is " When you receive the invitation tonight only then will we go together. sounds and looks grammatically alright.

No rhombuses are trapezoids?

Yes that is correct because a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides whereas a trapezoid has only 1 pair of parallel sides

Is an acute triangle always a scalane traingle?

Only when it has 3 unequal acute angles and 3 unequal sides that it is then a scalene triangle.

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They're solitary, and basically only come together for mating.

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Chameleons are solitary animals only coming together to mate.

Is a scalene a equilateral?

no it is not scalene has only unequal sides and equilateral only has equal sides