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Q: When you unfold a triangle what would it be called?
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Can you unfold a sphere?

Circle and a Triangle.

What is the line called when you join 2 mid-points in a triangle?

It would be called the midsegment of the triangle. And when you have all the midpoints of the triangle joined, you would get the midsegment triangle. It is one fourth of the area of the actual triangle

What would you call a triangle when all three sides are congruent?

When all three sides of a triangle are congruent, it is called an equilateral triangle.

What is a triangle with three acute sides called?

Sides aren't acute, angles are. A triangle with three acute angles would be called (appropriately enough) an acute triangle.

What is a triangle that only one side measures to 90 degrees?

That would be called a right triangle!

What triangle only have two equal sides?

No TRIangle can have two equal sides it would be an angle. A triangle with 2 equal sides is called an isosceles triangle.

How many right angles can be in a acute triangle?

None. If there was a right angle then it would not be called an acute triangle.

What polygon name would be appropriate for a triangle?

A three sided polygon is called a triangle; there is no other name for it.

Can side length of 2 4 and 6 make a triangle?

Yes it can; in fact it would be called an obtuse triangle.

What is the name of a triangle with three acute angles?

It impossible for a triangle to have three acute angles. * * * * * What? A triangle most certainly can have three acute angles. Such a triangle would be called an acute-angled triangle!

When tea leaves unfold while steeping it is called what?

the agony of the leaves

A polygon with three sides is called what?
