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Q: When you use a confidence interval to reach a conclusion about the population mean you are applying a type of reasoning or logic called?
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What sHow is how a conclusion logically follows from other statements?

A conclusion logically follows from other statements when it is a necessary inference based on the information provided. In logical reasoning, a conclusion is reached by applying valid reasoning rules to the given premises. If the conclusion can be drawn directly from the premises using these rules, it is said to follow logically.

What is a logical conclusion derived from premises known or assumed to be true?

A logical conclusion is a statement that can be inferred from the premises based on the rules of logic. It is the result of applying deductive reasoning to ensure that if the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true.

Does inductive reasoning involve applying a general rule to a specific situation?

No, inductive reasoning involves reaching a general conclusion based on specific observations or evidence. It moves from specific instances to a general principle, unlike deductive reasoning which applies a general rule to specific situations.

What type of a reasoning involves applying general principles to a specific case?

deductive reasoning it is deductive reasoning........

What type of reasoning involves applying generally principles to specific case?

deductive reasoning it is deductive reasoning........

Logical reasoning is the use of?

a specific method to come to a conclusion based on facts or assumptions.Logical reasoning entails the use of formal deduction, that is, induction and abduction.

What you use deduction and start from a given set of rules and conditions?

Deduction is a logical reasoning process where you start with general principles or premises and derive specific conclusions based on them. By applying deductive reasoning, you can come to a valid conclusion if the initial statements are true and the logical rules are followed.

When you use facts rules definitions or lawsto make conjectures from given situations what's that's called?

That is called deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning uses established principles or premises to reach a logical conclusion. It involves applying logical rules to derive specific conclusions from general principles.

What computer technologies attempt to duplicate the work of human experts by applying reasoning capabilities?

decision support system attempt to duplicate the work of human experts by applying reasoning capabilities

What type of reasoning involes applying general principles to a specific case?

Common sense.

Is the practice of applying critical thinking skills based on Army Values?

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What is a deductive thesis?

A deductive thesis is a type of argumentative statement where logical reasoning is used to support a specific claim or conclusion. It involves starting with a general principle or premise and then applying it to a specific case to reach a logical conclusion.