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Q: When you view your in a plane mirror how far behind mirror is your image compared with your distance in front of the mirror?
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If an object 5 millimeters high is located 15 millimeters in front of a plane mirror How far from the mirror is the image located?

The answer is 15 millimeters behind the mirror, and the distance from the actual object to the image is 30 millimeters. Plane mirrors have a flat focus that places the image as far behind the mirror as you are in front of it.

If a student stand 2m behind a plane mirror how far is the image?

Since the mirror reflects the image in front of it, the apparent distance of oneself standing in the mirror will be twice as far as the distance from you to the mirror. If you are standing 2 meters from the mirror, the image will appear as 4 meters away.

How do mirror form an image?

A mirror is formed by a glass plate with a reflective coating behind it. A mirror reflects the right that hits it, thereby forming an image of what is in front of the mirror.

How is absolute value related to distance?

Absolute value is related to distance because distance is not a signed quantity. For instance, if you were 100 metres in front of something, your distance to it would be 100 metres. If you were 100 metres behind it, your distance to it would still be 100 metres, not -100 metres.

Describe the image produced by plane mirror?

Usually as we say the details of the image we point out their, size, position, type and nature. In case of plane mirror, size = same size of the object position = at the same distance as the object is in front of the mirror type - erect one nature - virtual image. This means could be seen but not be caught on a screen.

Related questions

How far behind the mirror is your image compared with your distance in front of the mirror?

It's equal. The way the light reflects means that you end up the same distance away from it as you are reflected in it. That's if what I remember from Physics lessons is true :P Hope this helps :)

Where image appears to be when you look into a plane mirror?

mirage mirror it's self!

Is the distance from the object to the mirror is less than the apparent from the image?

The distance from the object to the mirror is equal to the distance from the image to the mirror in a plane mirror. The image appears to be as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it, so the apparent distance from the image to the mirror is equal to the actual distance from the object to the mirror.

Where does your image appear to be when you look into a plane mirror?

Your image appears to be behind the mirror at the same distance as the object is in front of the mirror. The image is laterally inverted, meaning left and right are reversed.

What is the object image distance relationship for a flat mirror?

For a flat mirror, the object distance is equal to the image distance. This means that the image formed by a flat mirror is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.

The law of reflection is all that is needed to establish the image location for an image formed by a?

plane mirror. The image location will be the same distance behind the mirror as the object's distance in front of the mirror.

Where do you think the image of your face is in relation to the surface of the mirror?

I can see my reflection in the mirror, which is an image of my face, located behind the mirror's surface. The image appears to be at the same distance behind the mirror as my actual face is in front of the mirror.

What type of image does a plane mirror form?

A plane mirror forms a virtual image that is upright and laterally inverted compared to the object. It appears to be the same size and distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror.

With a plane mirror what would be the relationship between di the image distance and do the object distance?

In a plane mirror, the image distance (di) is equal to the object distance (do). The image formed is virtual, upright, and the same size as the object, and it appears behind the mirror at the same distance as the object in front of the mirror.

What image will be produced when an object placed in front of a Plane mirror?

The image produced by a plane mirror will be virtual, upright, and the same size as the object. It will appear to be the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.

An object 5 millimeter high is located 15 millimeter in front of a plane mirror How far from the mirror is the image located?

The distance between the object and mirror is 15 mm. The distance between the image and mirror is 15 mm. Therefore, the distance between the image and object is 15 mm plus 15 mm which equals 30 mm.

If you stand in front of a concave mirror what do you see?

When you stand in front of a concave mirror, you will see an upright magnified virtual image of yourself. The image appears behind the mirror, and its size and position will vary based on your distance from the mirror and its curvature.