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Q: When you walk your feet push the ground and the ground pushes your feet Which law?
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When you walk your feet push against the ground's the same time the ground pushes against your feet. what is the action force?

The action force is the force exerted by your feet on the ground. This force is the force that you apply to the ground when walking.

Example of 3 laws of motion?

when we walk on the ground, our feet pushes the ground in backward direction, as a reaction ground pushes us in forward direction hence we can walk on the ground.

How does man walk?

When we walk on the ground our foot pushes the ground backward, and in return, the ground pushes our foot forward. The forward reaction exerted by the ground pushes our foot forward. The forward reaction exerted by the ground on our foot makes us walk forward.

Why does the ground push back with equal force when you walk?

When you walk, you push the ground backward with the same force that the ground pushes you forward. This is an example of Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, the force you apply on the ground causes it to push back on you with the same force, allowing you to move forward.

Which explanation describes the forces involved for a person to walk down the sidewalk?

The person's feet push backward on the sidewalk; the sidewalk pushes forward on the person.

What force causes you to move forward when you walk?

When you walk, the force of friction between your feet and the ground propels you forward. As you push off with one foot, the friction from the ground resists your movement, causing you to move in the opposite direction. This process of push and resistance allows you to walk.

What is an everyday example of Newton's Third Law?

An everyday example of Newton's Third Law is walking. When you walk, your feet push backward on the ground (action), and the ground pushes forward on your feet with an equal force (reaction). This reaction force allows you to move forward.

How is walking a use of friction?

When we walk, our feet push against the ground, which creates friction. This friction provides the necessary force for us to propel ourselves forward. Without friction, our feet would simply slide on the ground and we wouldn't be able to walk efficiently.

How is newtons third law of motion at work when you walk?

the concept's application here is very simple. As we walk we exert a certain amount of force on the Earth and governed by the 3rd law the Earth exerts the equal amount of force back on our foot (opposite direction) but as the Earth is very massive to observe the push that we exert only the force the it exerts it felt this added to friction provides the stability of the feet while in movement

What force prevents your feet from sliding when you run or walk?

Friction is the force that prevents your feet from sliding when you run or walk. The friction between the soles of your shoes and the ground creates traction, allowing you to push off and move forward without slipping.

What forceenables you to walk on the ground?

Friction, as we push ground the tangential component of the normal force that is friction (is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other) pushes us forward (newtons third law) helps us to move forward and walk.

When you walk forwards you push back on the ground with one foot?
